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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Java pictures from 2006 > Pbase Snow dog Year later Feb 25 2006.jpg
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Pbase Snow dog Year later Feb 25 2006.jpg

Late afternoon snow storm, but still a pleasant walk..

Feb 25 2006

Leica D-Lux 2
1/30s f/3.6 at 11.6mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pic Chick28-Feb-2006 02:57
What a great shot! Reminds me of Ditch in the snow: Ewwww, looks like you have alot of snow. Yuck!
Karen Stuebing26-Feb-2006 11:32
Java is saying "Let me off this leash. I'll be good." Hah! Great shot of him. The snow really contrasts nicely with his black coat.
ewa toll26-Feb-2006 10:51
Nice close up of Java
JW26-Feb-2006 10:34
Great shot - He looks more grown up than a year ago - or is that just the angle of the shot?
Karen Leaf26-Feb-2006 06:00
Java's got his eye on that one big flake, lol!
Mindy McNaugher26-Feb-2006 04:35
As always, the most photogenic and beautiful Lab! Perfect with the snowflakes 'decorating' his fur! Great portrait!
Guest 26-Feb-2006 04:22
Beautiful portrait of a handsome dog!
Greg Harp25-Feb-2006 23:57
Another great portrait.
Graham Tomlin25-Feb-2006 22:36
very good regards HELEN
Jackdad25-Feb-2006 21:39
LOL Java makes a good snow-vane.