Ovation Guitar -HDR- by Frederic Mercier
Painted Paris 1414-1871 by John Glines
Le Vieux Menton by Webman06
Provence 2008 by Silvano Olivero
Les caps Gris Nez et Blanc Nez et le village d'Ambleuteuse by Patrick DEBETENCOURT
Early mornings in VERSAILLES (France) - take 3 by Alain Trinckvel
Nice by Francis Toussaint
1992-Jan-15 Paris-Dakar-Sirte Le-Cap 14čme by Andre Dewas Afrique Du Sud
Perruches ŕ Collier by Gerardo Paredes
Paige by Gsirius
The Crazy Butchers saga, episode 1: January 13, 2007 by Jean-Gregoire Marin
Lyon ST-Exupery Airport and Station TGV by Christian Lallier