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World >> Cambodian Photos

Photos from Cambodia

small flag
short form Cambodia
capital Phnom Penh
long form Kingdom of Cambodia
local short Kampuchea
local long Preahreacheanacha Kampuchea
formerly Kingdom of Cambodia, Khmer Republic, Democratic Kampuchea, People's Republic of Kampuchea, State of Cambodia
Cambodian Photographers (7 total)
Thelonius Dugmoore Lori Carlson
Allan Lim Rod Rbdc
Peter Oxley
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Photo Galleries from Cambodia (537 total)

cambodiapeople by mkelpie


The Saffron Trail ... Angkor Wat and temples in Siem Reap by Azlin Ahmad


Cambodia by Paul Zimmermann


The Biggest Garbage Dump in S.E Asia? by Andrew Bott


West Mebon by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon


The Roluos Group by John Glines


cambodia by Mike N


The Angkor Wat by Kazuo Lim Khee Boon


2008 0129 Phnom Penh - Wat Phnom, Mekong River and Phnom Oudong by Y J C Yip


Phnom Penh by Serena Bowles


Cambodia by Rick and Mary Blake


Seleccion de las mejores de Camboya - Best of show (Cambodia) by Fernando Conde

Cambodian Cities
Phnom Penh (171)
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Cambodian Regions
Siĕmréab-Ŏtâr Méanchey Bântéay Méan Cheăy Bătdâmbâng Kâmpóng Cham Kâmpóng Chhnăng
Kâmpóng Spœ Kâmpóng Thum Kâmpôt Kândal Kaôh Kŏng
Krâchéh Môndôl Kiri Poŭthĭsăt Preăh Vĭhéar Prey Vêng
Rôtânăh Kiri Siĕm Réab Stœ̆ng Trêng Svay Riĕng Takêv
Kirirom Phnum Pénh Preăh Seihânŭ Phnum Penh
Click to search for photos. The number is estimated search results.

All photos are copyrighted and may not be used without permission from the photographer.
Flags, maps, and country data taken from the CIA World Factbook.
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